Printed three colors today under perfect conditions;
(moderate humidity and a nice fire in the studio stove).
Started with the dark gray (shadow under the eaves)
and continued with a dark green (shadows in the fore-
ground). Finally, I printed a very large deep maroon.
This is always a tricky color for several reasons.
It's advisable to print this color thick because it is very
transparent and doesn't like thinner. Additionally, I
always underprint this color to insure it looks beautiful.
Lastly it requires more clean-up than any other color,
staining the fabric pink until the last bit is scrubbed out.
Even with the predictable 'hassle factor" the color looks
great and I'm pleased. Only three colors left. All three
are complex, two exceptionally so. Going to start
cutting. I'm anticipating two full days in the cutting.
Stay tuned.
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